Hi Everyone! Thanks for checking out our blog. We’ll be posting a variety of topics, with special attention to penis related stories pulled from the news headlines! You are invited to submit your questions for a forum called “Q & A with a Size Queen” as well as any other questions and comments you may have.
Please keep the language relatively clean and safe for public viewing. No flaming, no trolling, no politics, no racism, no sexism, etc. Keep things friendly and open-minded!
Good morning,
I have a question, I am an “ok” size but what if I wanted a little more girth and length? My wife is a thicker woman but she doesn’t really care about my size, or doesn’t say. I would love to give her more because pleasuring her is all I want and more pleasure is more fun. Is there any way to gain more girth or length maybe by exercising or devices?.
Thank you for your time