Dating Safety Tips

15 Dating Safety Tips That Could Literally Save Your Life

The above link leads to a really good list of safety information. It is intended for women, but men can certainly benefit from it as well. And it may help guys to understand why women have certain rules for dating — not giving out our number right away or wanting to meet in public at a location of our choosing has a lot to do with keeping us safe.

A friend of mine recently told me that it’s pretty easy to track someone through their phone. He has an iPhone and he said it is easy to do if you are connected and haven’t blocked that option. Here’s an article on that situation:

And remember that while we try to keep our events safe and we hold them in public, you have to be responsible for your own safety. We don’t do background checks on our attendees. If you have a problem with someone, please contact us right away so we can discuss the situation.

Feel free to comment with your personal safety tips!